
A – Z of Herbal Remedies

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Valerian Root, St John’s Wort, Hops, Lemon Balm

Other Names: Valerian, Garden Valerian, Common Valerian, All heal, Garden Helitrope, St George's Herb, Bloody Butcher, Capon's Tail, Cat's Valerian, Vandal Root, English Valerian, Fragrant Valerian, Amantilla, Valeriana Officinalis
Traditional Usages: Provokes Menstruation, Chest Pains, Eases Coughs and Phlegm, Bites and Stings, Flatulence, Inward and outward Wounds, Sedative for Insomnia and Nervous Anxiety, All Nervous Debilities, Hysteria and Epilepsy, Cholera, Strengthening Eyesight, Stress, Palpitations, Convulsions in Children, High Blood Pressure, Hypochondria, Irritability, Mental Confusion, Tension Headaches, Muscle and Intestinal Cramps, Bronchial Spasm, Menopausal Restlessness, Asthma, Colic and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Phobias, Restless Legs
Resources: Europe, Asia, South Africa, Indonesia, the Himalayas, US, China
Parts Used: Root, Rhizome
Administration Method: Internal as pressed juice from fresh plants, tincture, extracts, and other galenical preparations. External as a bath additive.  
Herb Action: Anti-spasmodic, carminative, diuretic, expectorant, lowers blood pressure, sedative, sleep-promoting.
Herbal Research: Valerian
Health Warning: Avoid during Pregnancy and Breastfeeding. Do not take for more than 2 - 3 weeks without a break.
Side effects have been reported which  consist of headaches, excitability, restlessness, sleeplessness, dilated pupils, or irregular heartbeats. Because of Valerian’s ability to make you drowsy, you should not take it when operating machinery, driving a car, or performing any other activity that requires you to be fully awake and alert. Talk to your medical doctor if you plan to take valerian during withdrawal from drugs. This herb may worsen high blood pressure.

Valerian Root, St John’s Wort, Hops and Lemon Balm - Herbal remedy for Sleep Apnea: Valerian is used for its calming and sedating properties. It is useful for insomnia and chronic sleep disorders. It may take a few weeks to get the optimal effect. For patients with sleep problems linked with depression (often common in sleep apnea) Valerian has good results in combination with St John's Wort. It can be taken as an infusion or extract and generally needs to be taken for at least 10 days before it takes effect. Valerian can be combined with hops or lemon balm.
Health Warning: This remedy is not recommended for use in conjunction with prescription sleep aids.

Always seek the advice of your doctor before taking herbal remedies


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