
A – Z of Herbal Remedies

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Elder, Elderberry

Other Names: Elder, Black Elder, Elderberry, Black-berried Alder, European Elder, Common Elder, Boor Tree, Elder, Bountry, Ellanwood, Ellhorn, Sambucus Nigra
Traditional Usages: Common Cold, Influenza, Winter Chills, Nasal Catarrh, Sinusitis, Tonsillitis, Inflamation of the Mouth, Throat and Trachea, Night Sweats, Chilblains, Diarrhea, Pain, Hay Fever, Rheumatism
Resources: Europe, Asia, North Africa, Iran, Western Asia, North America
Parts Used: Flowers, Berries, Bark, Leaves, Roots
Administration Method: Whole herb and other natural preparations for teas
Herb Action: Diaphoretic, Increased bronchial secretion
Herbal Research: Elder, Elderberry
Health Warning: Avoid during Pregnancy and Breastfeeding.

Elderberry - Herbal remedy for Colds:  Elderberry is very effective for colds, fevers and catarrh. Only cooked or ripe black and blue elderberries or supplements prepared from these should be consumed. Ripe and blue elderberries are used to make cough syrups.  Elderberry syrup is available from health stores. Take one tablespoonful twice daily until cold gets better.

Elderberry Syrup - Herbal remedy for Colds: Elderberry has been used for colds and sinus infections. Elderberry juice, syrup and capsules are available at health food stores.  Take one tablespoon of syrup twice a day. Ripe and blue elderberries are used to make cough syrups.  Elderberry syrup is available from health stores. Take one tablespoonful twice daily until cold gets better.
Health Warning: Side effects although rare may include mild indigestion or allergic reactions. Other kinds of elderberry can cause nausea, vomiting and severe diarrhea.

Elderberries – Herbal remedy for Cold Sores: Elderberries have powerful antioxidants that boost the immune system and protect the body’s cells from harm. Dried elderberries are just like dried raisins but less sweet. They can be obtained from health stores and are good for cold sores. Eat twelve daily until  cold sores disappear.

Elderberry – Herbal remedy for Flu (Influenza):  Elderberry provides effective relief for colds, fevers and catarrh. Only cooked, ripe, black or blue elderberries or supplements prepared from these should be consumed.
Health Warning: Side effects although rare may include mild indigestion or allergic reactions. Other kinds of elderberry can cause nausea, vomiting and severe diarrhea.

Elder, Elderberry – Herbal remedy for Hearing Loss: Infuse a handful of dried elder in one pint of hot steaming water in a big bowl or pot. Put a big towel over your head and place your right ear over the steam coming from the bowl of water. Let the steam get into your ear. Then do the same with the left ear.

Always seek the advice of your doctor before taking herbal remedies


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