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Onion Remedies

Onions - Research:
Oral administration of a butanol extract of Bulbus Allii Cepae (200mg) to subjects given a high-fat meal prior to testing suppressed platelet aggregation associated with a high-fat diet (62).
Administration of a butanol extract to patients with alimentary lipaemia prevented an increase in the total serum cholesterol, β-lipoprotein cholesterol, and β-lipoprotein and serum triglycerides (63, 64). A saponin fraction (50 mg) or the bulb (100 mg) also decreased serum cholesterol and plasma fibrinogen levels (65, 66). However, fresh onion extract (50 g) did not produce any significant effects on serum cholesterol, fibrinogen, or fibrinolytic activity in normal subjects (67, 68).
Antihyperglycaemic activity of Bulbus Allii Cepae has been demonstrated in clinical studies. Administration of an aqueous extract (100 mg) decreased glucose- induced hyperglycaemia in human adults (69). The juice of the drug (50 mg) administered orally to diabetic patients reduced blood glucose levels (22). Addition of raw onion to the diet of non-insulin-dependent diabetic subjects decreased the dose of antidiabetic medication required to control the disease (70). However, an aqueous extract of Bulbus Allii Cepae (200mg) was not active (71).
The immediate and late cutaneous reactions induced by injection of rabbit anti-human IgE-antibodies into the volar side of the forearms of 12 healthy volunteers were reduced after pretreatment of the skin with a 50% ethanol onion extract (1). Immediate and late bronchial obstruction owing to allergen inhalation was markedly reduced after oral administration of a 5% ethanol onion extract 1 hour before exposure to the allergen (1).
In one clinical trial in 12 adult subjects, topical application of a 45% ethanolic onion extract inhibited the allergic skin reactions induced by anti-IgE (72).


1. Breu W, Dorsch W. Allium cepa L. (Onion): Chemistry, analysis and pharmacology. In: Wagner H, Farnsworth NR, eds. Economic and medicinal plants research, Vol. 6. London, Academic Press, 1994:115–147.
22. Sharma KK et al. Antihyperglycemic effect of onion: Effect on fasting blood sugar and induced hyperglycemia in man. Indian journal of medical research, 1977, 65:422–429.
62. Doutremepuich C et al. Action de l'oignon, Allium cepa L., sur l'hémostase primaire chez le volontaire sain avant et après absorption d'un repas riche en lipides. [Effects of onion, Allium cepa L., on primary haemostasis in healthy voluntary person before and after high fat meal absorption.] Annales pharmaceutiques françaises, 1985, 43:273– 280.
63. Jain RC, Vyas CR. Onion and garlic in atherosclerotic heart disease. Medikon, 1977, 6:12–14.
64. Singhvi S et al. Effect of onion and garlic on blood lipids. Rajasthan medical journal, 1984, 23:3–6.
65. Sainani GS et al. Effect of garlic and onion on important lipid and coagulation parameters in alimentary hyperlipidemia. Journal of the Association of Physicians in India, 1979, 27:57–64.
66. Sharma KK, Gupta S, Dwivedi KK. Effect of raw and boiled onion on the alterations of blood cholesterol, fibrinogen and fibrinolytic activity in man during alimentary lipaemia. Indian medical gazette, 1977, 16:479–481.
67. Sharma KK, Sharma SP. Effect of onion and garlic on serum cholesterol on normal subjects. Mediscope, 1979, 22:134–136.
68. Sharma KK, Sharma SP. Effect of onion on blood cholesterol, fibrinogen and fibrinolytic activity in normal subjects. Indian journal of pharmacology, 1976, 8:231– 233.
69. Jain RC, Vyas CR, Mahatma OP. Hypoglycaemic action of onion and garlic. Lancet, 1973, ii:1491.
70. Bhushan S et al. Effect of oral administration of raw onion on glucose tolerance test of diabetics: a comparison with tolbutamide. Current medical practice, 1984, 28:712– 715.
71. Sharma KK et al. Antihyperglycemic effects of onion: Effect on fasting blood sugar and induced hyperglycemia in man. Indian journal of medical research, 1977, 65:422– 429.
72. Dorsch W, Ring J. Suppression of immediate and late anti-IgE-induced skin reactions by topically applied alcohol/onion extract. Allergy, 1984, 39:43–49.
Source: WHO Monographs Vol 1, 1999 -2010

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