
A – Z of Herbal Remedies

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Indian Gooseberry, Amla

Other Names: Indian Gooseberry, Amla, Aamla, Avia, Yu Gan Zi, Emblica Officinalis
Traditional Usages: Inks and Dyes, Hair Tonic, Baldness, Improving Vision, Menstrual Cramps, Urinary Problems,  Constipation, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Tuberculosis, Asthma, Bronchitis, Obesity, Acid Reflux, Indigestion, Jaundice, Insomnia,  Hay Fever, Rheumatism, Candidiasis, Vaginal Discharge, Gonorrhea, Cough, Anorexia, Acne
Resources: India, Bangladesh, China, Malaysia, Pakistan, Sri lanka
Parts Used: Fruit, Root, Bark, Stem, Seeds, Leaf
Herbal Research: Amla (Emblica Officinalis) also known as Indian Gooseberry, is an edible, bitter tasting fruit renowned for its extraordinarily high levels of Vitamin C and antioxidants. Traditionally used for its natural hair conditioning properties, Amla is mixed into a paste to nourish and replenish the hair leaving it soft, silky and lustrous.
Health Warning: Avoid contact with the eyes. Allergy advice: Skin test this herb on the back of your hand and leave for 24-hours before applying to your head - if there is skin irritation, do not use this herb..

Indian Gooseberry, Amla - Herbal remedy for Blood Pressure: Indian gooseberry also known as amla is a fruit. It is very good for high blood pressure. It can be eaten raw or the fresh juice can be taken mixed with honey. It can be taken in any quantity.

Indian Gooseberry, Amla - Herbal remedy for Dementia:  Amla can help remove the harmful toxins from the brain. Grate one amla and infuse in boiling water for 10 minutes. Drink the water and chew the pieces of amla.

Indian Gooseberry, Amla - Herbal remedy for Depression:  Mix a quarter teaspoon of ground nutmeg with 2-teaspoons of amla juice. Take this mixture twice a day.

Indian Gooseberry, Amla – Herbal remedy for Down Syndrome:  Blend two fresh or dried amlas to extract the juice. Drink this twice a day.

Indian Gooseberry, Amla - Herbal remedy for Gastritis:  Amla is a natural source of Vitamin C. It prevents Indigestion and controls acidity.  Amla can be taken in the form of an infusion of dried Amla leaves, eaten as fruits or taken in powder form or  as pickle. Infuse one teaspoon of dried Amla leaves in a cup of hot water. Strain and drink twice a day. Amla fruits can be eaten daily. Pickled Amla fruits can be bought and eaten with any dish. A teaspoon of Amla powder can be mixed with warm water and taken twice a day.

Indian Gooseberry, Amla - Herbal remedy for Gonorrhea: Blend 12 amlas (fresh or dried) with a glass of water and drink the juice twice a day.

Indian Gooseberry, Amla – Herbal remedy for Heart Attack:  Amla is a natural source of Vitamin C. It prevents Indigestion and controls acidity.  Amla can be taken in the form of an infusion of dried Amla leaves, eaten as fruits or taken in powder form or  as pickle. Infuse one teaspoon of dried Amla leaves in a cup of hot water. Strain and drink twice a day. Amla fruits can be eaten daily. Pickled Amla fruits can be bought and eaten with any dish. A teaspoon of Amla powder can be mixed with warm water and taken twice a day.

Indian Gooseberry, Amla - Herbal remedy for Hypertension:  Blend 10 almas with one cup of water, add some honey and take twice daily.

Indian Gooseberry, Amla - Herbal remedy for Mouth Ulcers: Grind some amlas into a paste. Apply paste on affected area.

Indian Gooseberry, Amla - Herbal remedy for Nose Bleeds: Amla or Indian Gooseberry is a common remedy for nose bleed. Three drops of amla juice are put into the nostrils. Blend four amlas fresh or dried with two tablespoons of water. Strain to obtain the juice.

Always seek the advice of your doctor before taking herbal remedies


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