A – Z of Herbal Remedies
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Help: To find Illnesses or Conditions associated with a Herbal Remedy. Select a letter from A - Z of Herbal Remedies. Or Scroll lists. Or Use Search.
Other Names: Coffee Caffea, Coffee Shrub, Mountain Coffee, Arabica Coffee, Kafi, Coffea Arabica
Traditional Usages: Beverage, Caffeine is a Central Nervous System and Metabolic Stimulant, Reduce Physical Fatigue, Restore Mental Alertness, Some studies suggest that Coffee consumption reduces the risk of being affected by Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, Heart Disease, Cirrhosis of the liver, and Gout. Hangovers, Asthma, Drowsiness, Coffee depletes the body of B-Vitamins, Snake Bite, Narcotic Poisoning, Help ease Gout, Rheumatism, Gravel and Dropsy
Resources: Brazil, Yemen, Ethiopia, Sudan, China, South America, East Africa, India, Kenya, Vietnam, Colombia, Indonesia
Parts Used: Berries (beans) Leaves
Health Warning: Recent US studies are inconclusive and recommend avoiding coffee if you are pregnant.
Herbal Research: Coffee
Coffee - Home remedy for ADHD: Some studies have shown that giving some children coffee (which contains caffeine) can help to reduce hyperactivity and increase focus thus helping those suffering from ADHD. A normal cup of coffee, just like adults.
Coffee - Home remedy for Bronchitis: A cup of very strong coffee in the morning can calm a morning cough. While it speeds up your metabolism, coffee expands lung passages and inhibits bronchospasms.
Excessive facial hair is a touchy subject with many women; those who suffer from this condition have a low self-esteem
VIEW MOREMaca (Lepidum meyenii, Brassicaceae), a root vegetable grown in the Andean region of Peru, is widely used for its nutritional and therapeutic properties. Maca is said to improve male and female reproductive activity in diverse ways, from increasing arousal and reducing symptoms of menopause to boosting sperm quality,