A – Z of Herbal Remedies
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Help: To find Illnesses or Conditions associated with a Herbal Remedy. Select a letter from A - Z of Herbal Remedies. Or Scroll lists. Or Use Search.
Other Names: Valerian, Garden Valerian, Common Valerian, All heal, Garden Helitrope, St George's Herb, Bloody Butcher, Capon's Tail, Cat's Valerian, Vandal Root, English Valerian, Fragrant Valerian, Amantilla, Valeriana Officinalis
Traditional Usages: Provokes Menstruation, Chest Pains, Eases Coughs and Phlegm, Bites and Stings, Flatulence, Inward and outward Wounds, Sedative for Insomnia and Nervous Anxiety, All Nervous Debilities, Hysteria and Epilepsy, Cholera, Strengthening Eyesight, Stress, Palpitations, Convulsions in Children, High Blood Pressure, Hypochondria, Irritability, Mental Confusion, Tension Headaches, Muscle and Intestinal Cramps, Bronchial Spasm, Menopausal Restlessness, Asthma, Colic and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Phobias, Restless Legs
Resources: Europe, Asia, South Africa, Indonesia, the Himalayas, US, China
Parts Used: Root, Rhizome
Administration Method: Internal as pressed juice from fresh plants, tincture, extracts, and other galenical preparations. External as a bath additive.
Herb Action: Anti-spasmodic, carminative, diuretic, expectorant, lowers blood pressure, sedative, sleep-promoting.
Herbal Research: Valerian
A WHO Organization Herbal Research - Full Report
Health Warning: Avoid during Pregnancy and Breastfeeding. Do not take for more than 2 - 3 weeks without a break.
Side effects have been reported which consist of headaches, excitability, restlessness, sleeplessness, dilated pupils, or irregular heartbeats. Because of Valerian’s ability to make you drowsy, you should not take it when operating machinery, driving a car, or performing any other activity that requires you to be fully awake and alert. Talk to your medical doctor if you plan to take valerian during withdrawal from drugs. This herb may worsen high blood pressure.
Valerian - Herbal remedy for Addiction (Alcohol, Drugs & Tobacco): Valerian is a herb native to Europe and North America. This herb has a long history of use as a tranquilizer and sedative, and as a remedy for anxiety and stress. Valerian may help curb irritability and restlessness during the withdrawal process. It may also help with insomnia. Take one capsule of 500 milligrams a day. Always follow the instructions found on the labels.
Health Warning: Side effects have been reported which consist of headaches, excitability, restlessness, sleeplessness, dilated pupils, or irregular heartbeats. Because of Valerian’s ability to make you drowsy, you should not take it when operating machinery, driving a car, or performing any other activity that requires you to be fully awake and alert. Talk to your medical doctor if you plan to take valerian during withdrawal from drugs. This herb may worsen high blood pressure.
Valerian - Herbal remedy for Autism: Valerian promotes restful sleep, encourages brain and nervous system cell repair and may help reduce autism symptoms. Talk to your medical doctor before treating autism with valerian. It may cause daytime drowsiness, blurred vision and nausea. Valerian teabags are available in health stores. It is used to help induce sleep and relaxation. It is known to be a potent tranquilizing and calmative agent.
Valerian - Herbal remedy for Epilepsy: Valerian is available in capsules. Take one 120 milligrams three times a day.
Valerian - Herbal remedy for Insomnia: Valerian has been traditionally used as a sleeping aid and is a natural remedy for insomnia. Take 150 milligram tablet of valerian before bedtime.
Valerian - Herbal remedy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Valerian can improve memory and is effective for stress and anxiety. Take one 500 milligram capsule once a day.
Valerian - Herbal remedy for Phobias: It is usually taken an hour before bedtime. It takes about two to three weeks to work and should not be used for more than three months at a time, with alcohol, before or after surgery and by people with liver disease. Take one 450 milligram capsule once daily. Side effects of valerian may include mild indigestion, headache, palpitations, and dizziness. Although valerian tea and liquid extracts are available, most people do not like the smell of valerian and prefer taking the capsule form.
Health Warning: Valerian should not be taken with many medications such as sedatives and antihistamines. Valerian should not be taken with alcohol, before or after surgery and by people with liver disease.
Valerian - Herbal remedy for PMS: Valerian relieves menstrual cramps and headaches. Take one 450 milligram capsule once daily.
Valerian - Herbal remedy for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: You can take 150 milligram capsule once or twice a day or take a 400 milligram capsule at bedtime.
Valerian – Herbal remedy for Restless Legs Syndrome: Valerian or valerian root alleviates restless leg syndrome. It is available in capsule form - see label for dosage.
Valerian - Herbal remedy for Stress: Valerian root relieves nervousness, anxiety and stress. Valerian is usually taken an hour before bedtime. It takes about 2-3 weeks to work and should not be used for more than 3-months at a time. Although valerian tea and liquid extracts are available, most people do not like the smell of valerian and prefer taking the capsule form. See label for dosage.
Health Warning: It takes about two to three weeks to work and should not be used for more than three months at a time. Side effects of valerian may include mild indigestion, headache, palpitations and dizziness.
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