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Bergamot and Tea Tree Oil

Bergamot - Research
There are currently no studies on the internal or external use of bergamot.
In Italian folk medicine, bergamot oil was used for fever and worms.8  It has also been used for mouth, throat, genital and urinary infections, chicken pox, flu, herpes, and shingles, as well as for improving digestion.4  Bergamot oil is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory and is said to enhance immunity.4  
In aromatherapy, bergamot oil is said to be relaxing, refreshing and helpful in relieving insomnia.9  It is also believed to be helpful in relieving anxiety, compulsive behavior and depression.4  
Bergamot oil, one of the main components of eau-de-Cologne, was developed in the late 17th century by an Italian immigrant living in Koln (Cologne), Germany.5  It is frequently found in high quality perfumes, including men’s colognes and aftershaves,5  as well as creams, lotions and soaps.6 
4  Keville K, Green M. Aromatherapy: A Complete Guide to the Healing Art. Freedom, CA: The Crossing Press; 1995.
5  Oyen LPA, Dung NX. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 19. Essential-oil plants. Leiden, the Netherlands: Backhuys Publishers; 1999.
6  Leung AY, Foster S, eds. Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics. 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc; 1996.
7  Arctander S. Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin. Carol Stream , IL: Allured Publishing Corp.; 1994.
8  Lawless J. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils: The Complete Guide to the Use of Oils in Aromatherapy and Herbalism. Dorset, UK: Element Books, Ltd; 1995.

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