
A – Z of Herbal Remedies

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Marshmallow, Geranium, Goldenseal, Echinacea and Poke RT

Other Names: Marshmallow, Marshmallow Root, Common Marshmallow, Althea Root, Sweetweed, Moorish Mallow, White Mallow, Mallards, Mauls, Schloss Tea, Cheeses, Mortification Root, Guimauve Tea, Althea, Althaea Officinalis
Traditional Usages: Sprains, Bruises, Muscle Aches, Dry Coughs, Gargle for Sore Throats, Stomach Ulcers, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Eases the Bowels after Dysentery, Skin Toner, Kidneys, Bladder, Stomache and Duodenal Ulcers, Hiatus Hernia, Catarrh of the Respiratory Organs and Stomach, Cystitis, Diarrhea, Poultice to Boils, Abscesses, Ulcers, Gastritis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Psoriasis, Constipation, Gangrene, Gout,
Resources:  Asia, Europe, Africa, England, Scotland
Parts Used: Leaves, Root, Flowers

Marshmallow, Geranium, Goldenseal, Echinacea and Poke RT - Herbal remedy for Ulcers, Peptic: One part Marshmallow Root, one part Spotted Crane bill, one part Golden Seal, one part Echinacea, one part Poke RT. In this formula the marshmallow root is included for its soothing qualities; geranium is highly astringent and may help control bleeding; golden seal is a bitter tonic healing mucous membranes and promoting absorption. Echinacea is antiseptic and stimulates the immune system. It helps deal with any infection that may be present. Poke RT purifies the system. Infuse one teaspoon of each herb in one pint of hot water for 10-minutes. Strain and drink two cups very 4-hours for one week.  

Always seek the advice of your doctor before taking herbal remedies


Health Issues

Anger is a normal emotion that everyone feels from time to time.


Excessive facial hair is a touchy subject with many women; those who suffer from this condition have a low self-esteem


Maca (Lepidum meyenii, Brassicaceae), a root vegetable grown in the Andean region of Peru, is widely used for its nutritional and therapeutic properties. Maca is said to improve male and female reproductive activity in diverse ways, from increasing arousal and reducing symptoms of menopause to boosting sperm quality,