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How to make Infusions - Herbal preparations

Infusion, Infusions, Herbal preparations

Herbal Infusions are water based and used as teas, gargles, washes, rinses, lotions, douches, compresses, fomentations and syrups.  Use ground or bruised fresh or dried herbs, Leaves, Flowers, Fruit, Bark, Seeds and Hard Roots. Standard ingredients ratio is one teaspoonful of herb to one cup of water. Never add milk to an infusion as it tends to suppress the flavour.

Infusions are made by pouring boiling water over an herb and letting it infuse (steep for a while), before straining – just like making tea. Infusion is the gentlest form of herbal preparation and designed to preserve the vitamins, minerals and volatile oils. During the steeping process a lid must be placed on the cup, mug, teapot or pan to ensure the medicinal properties remain within the liquid, otherwise, if a lid is not used the medicinal properties will disperse into the air and be wasted.

Infusions: Always use glass, enamel or stainless steel utensils to preserve the integrity of the herbs, avoid using aluminium utensils as this will contaminate the infusion.

Infusions: For best results use distilled water, filtered water, or mineral water – avoid using tap water unless you live in an area with good quality tap water, otherwise, tap water will destroy the medicinal properties of the herb. It is best to drink herbal infusions when hot; however, cold infusions are also an option.

Infusions: Steeping time guidelines: allow 1 – 3 minutes for flowers; allow 2 – 4 minutes for leaves; and 4 – 10 minutes for bark, seeds and hard roots. Cover the infusion utensil with a towel or tea cosy if steeping for more than 4 minutes. When the infusion is ready, strain the liquid and use it right away, or put into a jar or container to be refrigerated.  Herbal infusions can be drunk hot, warm, cold or iced.

Always seek the advice of your doctor before taking herbal medications


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