A – Z of Herbal Remedies
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Help: To find Illnesses or Conditions associated with a Herbal Remedy. Select a letter from A - Z of Herbal Remedies. Or Scroll lists. Or Use Search.
Other Names: Lavender, Elf Leaf, Nard, Spikenard, Spike, English Lavender, True Lavender, Lavender Flower, Lavandula Agustifolia
Traditional Usages: Aromatic, Flavouring agent, Apoplexy, Falling Sickness (Epilepsy), Dropsy, Cramps, Convulsions, Tonic against Faintness, Heart Palpitations, Giddiness and Colic, Promotes Appetitie, Dispels Flatulence, Applied Externally for Toothache, Neuralgia, Sprains, Rheumatism, Aromatherapy, Inhalant, Antiseptic, Chilblains, Insomnia, High Blood Pressure, Physical and Mental Exhaustion, Stress, Sluggish Circulation, Sinusitis, Bladder Infection, Lavender Bath, Throat Infections, Chest Complaints, To repel Nits and Fleas, To Deter Evil Spirits.
Resources: Mediterranean: France, England, Italy, Norway
Parts Used: Flower, Essential Oil
Administration Method: Herb Tea, Extract , bath additive
Herb Action: Sedative, antiflatulent
Herbal Research: Lavender
A WHO Organizational resource: Lavender Research - FULL REPORT
Health Warning: Avoid using internally if pregnant or breastfeeding.
Lavender- Herbal remedy for Acne: Lavender tea is very effective not only in treating acne but also in reducing the spread of acne. Make the tea by infusing lavender petals in hot water for several minutes then drinking the tea. You can use lavender tea bags if you cannot get hold of fresh lavender.
Lavender - Herbal remedy for Depression: Add some lavender leaves to a cup of boiling water. Let it cool down and take this twice daily.
Lavender - Herbal remedy for Social Phobia: This pleasantly powerful and distinctive aromatic herb is well known for its calming properties. It is considered valuable for soothing and strengthening the nervous system. Lavender is widely used for combating anxiety, fatigue, stress, nervous tension and depression. Put some drops of pure essential lavender oil on a tissue and place it under your pillow.
Lavender - Herbal remedy for Zits: Infuse lavender petals in boiling water to make a tea. Drink tea three times daily.
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