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Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto - Herbal Research
A WHO Organizational resource: Saw Palmetto - FULL REPORT

Medicinal uses supported by clinical data
Treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms (nocturia, polyuria, urinary retention) secondary to BPH stages I and II, as defined by Alken (1, 4, 14-33), in cases where diagnosis of prostate cancer is negative.
Uses described in pharmacopoeias and in traditional systems of medicine
As a diuretic and to treat an enlarged prostate (2).
Uses described in folk medicine, not supported by experimental or clinical data
As an aphrodisiac, a sedative and a nutritional tonic, as well as for the treatment of bronchitis, cystitis, dysmenorrhoea, sore throat and the common cold (5).


1. Blumenthal M et al., eds. The complete German Commission E monographs. Austin, TX, American Botanical Council, 1998.
2. British herbal pharmacopoeia. London, British Herbal Medicine Association, 1996.
4. Blaschek W et al., eds. Hagers Handbuch der pharmazeutischen Praxis. Folgeband 2: Drogen A-K, 5th ed. Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1998.
5. Farnsworth NR ed. NAPRALERT database. Chicago, University of Illinois at Chicago, IL, January 20, 1998 production (an online database available directly through the University of Illinois at Chicago or through the Scientific and Technical Network [STN] of Chemical Abstracts Services).

14. Wilt TJ et al. Saw palmetto extracts for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. A systematic review. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1998, 280:1604-1609.

15. Vahlensieck W et al. Benigne Prostatahyperplasie-Behandlung mit Sabalfrüchteextrakt. Fortschritte der Medizin, 1993, 111:323-326.

16. Carraro JC et al. Comparison of phytotherapy (Permixon®) with finasteride in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: a randomized international study of 1098 patients. Prostate, 1996, 29:231-240.

17. Bach D, Ebeling L. Long-term treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia - results of a prospective 3-year multicenter study using Sabal extract IDS 89. Phytomedicine, 1996, 3:105-111.

18. Braeckman J. The extract of Serenoa repens in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: a multicenter open study. Current Therapeutic Research, 1994, 55: 776-786.

19. Schneider HJ, Uysal A. Internationaler Prostata-Symptomenscore (I-PSS) im klinischen Alltag. Urologie [B], 1994, 34:443-447.

20. Braekman J et al. Efficacy and safety of the extract of Serenoa repens in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: therapeutic equivalence between twice and once daily dosage forms. Phytotherapy Research, 1997, 11:558-563.

21. Derakhshani P et al. Beeinflussung des Internationalen Prostata-Symptomensore unter der Therapie mit Sägepalmenfrüchteextrakt bei täglicher Einmalgabe. Urologie [B], 1997, 37:384-391.

22. Ziegler H, Hölscher U. Wirksamkeit des Spezialextraktes WS 1473 aus Sägepalmenfrüchteextrakt bei Patienten mit benigner Prostatahyperplasie im Stadium I-II nach Alken - offene Multicenter-Studie. Jatros Uro, 1998, 14:34-43.

23. Redecker KD, Funk P. Sabal-Extrakt WS 1473 bei benigner Prostatahyperplasie. Extracta Urologica, 1998, 21:23-25.

24. Hanus¡ M, Matousková M. Alternativní léc¡ba BPH - Permixon (Capistan). Rozhledy Chirurgia, 1993, 72:75-79.

25. Romics I et al. Experience in treating benign prostatic hypertrophy with Sabal serrulata for one year. Journal of International Urology and Nephrology, 1993, 25:565-569.

26. Boccafoschi C, Annoacia S. Confronto fra estratto di Serenoa repens e placebo mediante prova clinica controllata in pazienti co adenmatosi prostatica. Urologia, 1983, 50:1-14.

27. Champault G et al. A double-blind trial of an extract of the plant Serenoa repens in benign prostatic hyperplasia. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 1984, 18:461-462.

28. Cukier C et al. Serenoa repens extract vs placebo. Comptes rendus de therapeutiques et de Pharmacologie clinique, 1985, 4:15-21.

29. Descotes JL et al. Placebo-controlled evaluation of the efficacy and tolerability of Permixon® in benign prostatic hyperplasia after exclusion of placebo responders. Clinical Drug Investigations, 1995, 9:291-297.

30. Emili E et al. Clinical results on a new drug in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (Permixon). Urologia, 1983, 50:1042-1049.

31. Tasca A et al. Treatment of obstruction in prostatic adenoma using an extract of Serenoa repens. Double-blind clinical test vs placebo. Minerva Urologica e Nefrologica, 1985, 37:87-91.

32. Mandressi A et al. Treatment of uncomplicated benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) by an extract of Serenoa repens: clinical results. Journal of Endocrinology Investigations, 1987, 10 (Suppl. 2):49.

33. Descotes JL et al. Placebo-controlled evaluation of the efficacy and tolerability of Permixon in benign prostatic hyperplasia after exclusion of placebo responders. Clinical Drug Investigations, 1995, 9:291-297.

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