
A – Z of Herbal Remedies

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Other Names: Horsetail, Field Horsetail, Giant Horsetail, Scouring Rush, Corncob Plant, Snake Grass, Puzzle Grass, Pewterwort, Nature's Hoover, Mare's Tail, Shave Grass, Bottlebrush, Paddock Pipes, Dutch Rushes, Equisetum Arvense
Traditional Usages: Anemia, General Debility, Stomach Ulcers, Easing Dropsy, Gravel, Cystitis, Bed-wetting Children, Blood in the Urine, Chronic Bladder Infections, Incontinence, Catarrh, Urethritis of Sexual Transmission with Blood, Constant Desire to Urinate, Skin Infections, Haemorrhage, Anti-Aging, Baldness, Arthritis, Frozen Shoulder, Treatment for healing wounds.
Resources: Europe, Northern Asia, Central America, North America, US, China
Parts Used: Stems, Branches
Administration Method: Ground for infusions and other natural preparations for oral use
Herb Action: Mild diuretic.
Herbal Research: Horsetail Remedies
Health Warning:
Avoid during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Care is necessary in the presence of diseases associated with serious renal lesions and inflammation (nephritis, nephrosis) due to the irritant action of  Horsetail.  Do  not  use  Horsetail  for  more  than  6 weeks except under professional supervision, as it may cause irritation of the digestive tract.

Horsetail - Herbal remedy for Back Pain: Horsetail not only heals and builds connective tissue but also normalizes the bowels and alleviates lower-back pain. Take as a herbal tea twice daily.

Horsetail – Herbal remedy for Bladder Infections: Horsetail is frequently used as a remedy for blood in the urine and urinary stones. It is a mild diuretic that works without depleting the body of electrolytes. Take a tablet of 300 mi!lligrams three times daily unill infection clears.

Horsetail - Herbal remedy for Urinary Incontinence: Horsetail acts as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It has been used to treat kidney and bladder stones, urinary tract infections and incontinence. The green parts of the horsetail plant are used in the preparation of tea. Take these green parts and dry them. Once dried, soak about 1-2 teaspoons in a cup of cold water. Let it soak for 10-15 minutes. Alternately one could infuse one teaspoon of the dried parts in a cup of boiling water for 15 minutes. This will allow the essence and flavours to be sufficiently brought out. Strain the liquid. You can have this either hot or cold. You can also add a little bit of honey to it.

Horsetail – Herbal remedy for Kidney Stones: Horsetail tea is an effective natural remedy for kidney stones. Drink up to 3-4 cups of horsetail tea daily or 2 grams of the herb in capsule form daily.

Horsetail - Herbal remedy for Osteoporosis:  Horsetail is rich in silica and silicic acids. These help in the process of mending broken bones. They help to produce collagen, a key protein located in connective tissue, ligaments, bone and cartilage. For these reasons it is widely used as a medicinal herb for osteoporosis. Infuse 1.5 grams of horsetail herb to one cup of boiling water for 30-40 minutes. Strain and drink during the day between meals.

Horsetail - Herbal remedy for Whiplash: Drink three cups of herbal tea made from the horsetail three times daily or if you prefer add 15 drops of horsetail tincture to a glass of water. It calms the nerves and eases the pain caused by whiplash.

Always seek the advice of your doctor before taking herbal remedies


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