Other Names: Common Evening Primrose, Tree Primrose, Fever Plant, King's Cureall, Large Rampion, Night Willow herb, Scabish, Scurvish, Sun Drop, Rose of Mexico, Oenothera Biennis
Traditional Usages: Whooping Cough, Asthma, Digestive Problems, Burns, bruises, Sore Throat, Chest congestion, Menstrual Cramps, Alcoholism, Mild Hypertension, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Externally for Skin Disorders, Eczema,
Resources: Mexico, Central America,
Parts Used: Leaves, Stem Bark, Flowers, Root, Seed Oil
Herbal Research: Evening Primrose Oil
Health Warning: Avoid during Pregnancy and Breastfeeding.
Evening Primrose Oil - Herbal remedy for Cramps: Take 500-1,000mg dose of evening primrose oil extract once a day. Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) in evening primrose oil may relieve menstrual symptoms, Including cramps.
Evening Primrose Oil - Herbal remedy for Female Fertility: Evening primrose oil (EPO) supplements are made from the oil extracted from the seeds of evening primrose. EPO is rich in essential fatty acids such as linoleic acid and gamma-linoleic acid and can increase fertility. It should be taken from the beginning of the menstrual cycle up to ovulation to increase fertility. EPO also helps increase the quality of the cervical fluid which helps the sperm survive longer in the female reproductive tract.
It is very important that you discontinue using Evening Primrose Oil if you do get pregnant, since it can cause pregnancy complications. It is usually best to take Evening Primrose Oil with food to prevent an upset stomach. You should also begin with the lowest dosage and increase as you find necessary. Take one capsule of 500milligram daily and gradually increase to 1500 milligram per day.
Health Warning: Evening primrose oil (EPO) supplements should be discontinued after ovulation as it may lead to uterine contractions and cause abortion. EPO is generally safe to use although mild side effects such as nausea, stomach pain, and headache may occur. It may also interact with certain medications. Hence, it is best to talk to a doctor before using EPO. It is available in capsules.
Evening Primrose Oil – Herbal remedy for Hay Fever: The oil of evening primrose is used for hay fever due to its effect on the prostaglandin balance in the body. This oil has been tested to be more effective when combined with cod liver oil. The most common use is the capsule form. Recommended daily dosage is 3000-6000 milligrams of evening primrose oil per day.
Evening Primrose Oil – Herbal remedy for Menstrual Cramps: Take a 500-1,000 milligram dose of evening primrose oil extract once a day. Evening primrose oil may relieve menstrual symptoms such as cramps.
Evening Primrose Oil - Herbal remedy for Migraine: Crush some fresh leaves to obtain the oil or buy from the store. Rub a little oil on the forehead.
Evening Primrose Oil - Herbal remedy for PMS: Evening Primrose reduces pain and inflammation in the body. See manufacturer's package for dosages.
Evening Primrose Oil - Herbal remedy for Thyroid Disorders: Take 3-4 grams daily.
Health Warning: Evening primrose oil might interact with medications used during surgery. You should stop taking evening primrose oil at least 2 weeks before surgery.