
A – Z of Herbal Remedies

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Other Names: Common Parsley, Garden Parsley, Hamburg Parsley, Rock Parsley, Curly Leaf Parsley, Parsley, Petersylinge, Persil, Devil's Oatmeal, Persly, Persele, Petroselinum Crispum
Traditional Usages: Nutritious Food, Kidney Stones, Jaundice, Dropsy, Plague, Intermittent Fevers, Falling Sickness, Lethargy, Cough, Relieves Children's Wind,  Soften Women's Hard Breasts, Earache, High Blood Pressure, Bladder and Kidney Diseases, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Sciatica, Reducing Despression, Breath Freshener, Head and Body Lice, Painful Urination, Windy Colic, Inflammation of the Prostrate Gland and Gallbladder, PMT, Hot Flushes, Fatigue, Strengthens Hair, Nails and Skin, Liver Disorders, Flatulence, Cystitis, Promote Menstruation and its Pain, Anemia, Acid Reflux,
Resources: Europe, Mediterranean Countries, US, East Asia, North Africa
Parts Used: Root, Stems, Seeds, Leaves
Administration Method: Crushed parsley for infusions and other natural preparations. 
Herb Action: Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, diuretic, digestive aid, nutritive, promotes menstruation, uterine stimulant
Herbal Research: Parlsey
Health Warning: Avoid use during Pregnancy or with inflammatory kidney conditions. Parsley may cause High Blood Pressure if taken in  large doses - consult with your medical doctor.

Parsley - Herbal remedy for Adult Bedwetting: Chewing a few parsley leaves before bedtime regulates your bladder and helps stop the urge to urinate during the night.

Parsley - Herbal remedy for Angina: Parsley is one of the most recommended remedies for angina. Make a tea out of parsley to treat angina pain. Take this remedy two to three times per day. Add parsley leaves to boiling water, drain and drink the tea.

Parsley – Herbal remedy for  Bad Breath: It contains chlorophyll which is a well-known breath deodorizer. Add more parsley to your food. Chew it or sip parsley juice to refresh your breath.

Parsley – Herbal remedy for Bee Sting: Take freshly crushed parsley and rub it on the bee sting. This should stop the pain and at the same time begin to neutralize the poison.

Parsley - Herbal remedy for  Blood Pressure: Parsley is a good remedy for blood pressure. It must be taken in liquid form rather than chewing the leaves. Blend some fresh parsley with a glass of water. Strain and drink one glass twice daily.

Parsley - Herbal remedy for Boils:  It has to be dry parsley flakes. Do not moisten the flakes. Place dry parsley flakes on and around the boil. Cover the area with a bandage and leave on overnight. This may have to be repeated if the pus is deep. Parsley is one of Mother Nature’s strongest drawing agents for boils.

Parsley - Herbal remedy for Halitosis: Chew a sprig of parsley. Parsley is a herb rich in chlorophyll, which is a chemical produced by green plants that has a deodorizing effect. Swallowing parsley is harmless and is reported to continue to deodorize as your body digests it. The oils contained in mint are effective at killing bacteria causing halitosis. Parsley is traditionally used as a garnish alongside a meal for this very reason.

Parsley – Herbal remedy for Heart Attack:  Blend a bunch of parsley with two cups of water. Drink a cup three times daily. Infuse some parsley leaves in hot water. Drink a cup three times a day.

Parsley - Herbal remedy for Hypertension:  Parsley should be taken in liquid form. Blend a bunch of parsley in a litre of water and drink three times daily.

Parsley - Herbal remedy for Mastitis: Place a handful of fresh or dried parsley leaves in a clean cotton napkin and tie it with a piece of string. Put in a pan of water and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Apply the hot parsley as a compress to ease swollen and painful breast.

Parsley – Herbal remedy for Menstrual Cramps: Parsley not only increases menstruation and aids in regulating a monthly period but parsley juice also treats painful cramps. Blend 75 millilitres of parsley, beet, carrot and cucumber.  Drink the mixture twice daily.

Parsley - Herbal remedy for Osteoporosis: This dark green and strongly aromatic herb often used as a spice or just as a garnish contains small concentrated amounts of boron.  Boron is a trace mineral and helps with the activation of vitamin D, which controls the absorption and use of calcium. Eating it regularly is very beneficial.

Parsley - Herbal remedy for Thyroid Disorders: Parsley helps boost immunity and is helpful in regulating thyroid hormones.  Add parsley to food or drink an infusion by adding boiling water to fresh parsley.

Parsley - Herbal remedy for Ulcers, Peptic: Blend a lot of parsley leaves in a cup of water and drink twice daily.

Always seek the advice of your doctor before taking herbal remedies


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