A – Z of Herbal Remedies
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Help: To find Illnesses or Conditions associated with a Herbal Remedy. Select a letter from A - Z of Herbal Remedies. Or Scroll lists. Or Use Search.
Abortifacient – Herbs and substances used for the premature expulsion of the foetus from the womb. Papaya fruit is used by women of Sri Lanka and India for this purpose (Bartram).
Adaptogenic: Herbs and substances that help your body to adapt to a new strain or stress by stimulating the body’s own defensive mechanism (Bartram).
Adjuvant – Herbs and substances that enhances the activity of another drug or substance. A remedy which enhances the effect of another remedy.
Adjuvant Therapy: Additional cancer treatment given after the primary treatment to lower the risk that the cancer will come back. Adjuvant therapy may include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapy, or biological therapy. (NIH National Cancer Institute)
Alterative: Herbs that will gradually restore the proper functions of the body and increase health and vitality.
Analgesic/Anodyne: Herbs that are taken orally for the relief of pain. They may also be applied externally.
Anaphrodisiac: Herbs that reduce excessive sexual desire.
Antacid: Herbs that have the ability to neutralize excessive acid in the stomach and intestines and relieve indigestion.
Anthelmintic/Anti-parasitic: Herbs that destroy worms or expel them from the body.
Anti-abortive: Herbs that could help to reduce abortive tendencies. Usually prescribed and taken in small quantities during early stages of pregnancy. They will not prevent miscarriage when the foetus is damaged or improperly secured.
Anti-allergic: Herbs that help reduce allergic reactions.
Anti-asthmatic: Herbs that relief the symptoms of asthma. Some have strong anti-spasmodic properties that dilate the bronchioles (the passages through which air is directed from the nose and mouth to the alveoli–air sacs), while others help to dissolve mucus.
Anti-bacterial: Herbs with properties that can inhibit bacterial growth.
Anti-biotics: Herbs known to have an anti-bacterial or anti-viral effect upon certain types of bacteria and microbes (Bartram.
Anti-bilious: Herbs with an infinity for the liver and gallbladder, prescribed for the inflammation of those organs and promotion of bile (Bartram)
Anti-catarrhal: Herbs that help the body reduce excess mucous and phlegm.
Anti-coagulant: Herbs that may prevent or dissolve blood clots. These herbs should be used with caution by people on conventional anti-coagulants.
Anti-convulsant/Anti-epileptic: Herbs that may be helpful in reducing or preventing epileptic fits or seizures.
Anti-depressant/ Thymoleptic: Herbs that relieve depression. They can be used as a supportive therapy for mild to moderate depression.
Anti-diarrheal: Herbs with the ability to arrest diarrhea or sooth an irritable bowel.
Antidote: A substance or remedy that counteracts the action of a medicine. Used in the case of over-dosage or accidental poisoning.
Anti-emetic: Herbs that reduce the feeling of nausea and can help to relieve or prevent vomiting.
Anti-fungal – Herbs that destroy or inhibit the growth of fungus, as in the case of thrush or candida.
Anti-haemorrhagic – Herbs that clinical experience has shown to be effective in arresting mild to moderate internal bleeding (Bartram).
Anti-histamines: Herbs and drugs that arrest the production of histamine and which are useful in allergic conditions. Herbal anti-histamines may lessen severity of the symptoms (Bartram).
Anti-inflammatory: Herbs that help the body combat inflammations.
Anti-infective: Herbs that stimulate the body’s immune system to withstand infection. These herbs do not destroy beneficial bacteria normally present in the intestines, neither does the body get used to them (Bartram).
Anti-lithic: Herbs that prevent the formation or help remove stones or gravel in the urinary system.
Anti-malarial – Herbs that help prevent or cure malaria.
Anti-microbial: Herbs that can help the body destroy or resist the growth of disease-causing bacteria or other micro-organisms.
Anti-neoplastic: Herbs having the specific action of inhibiting and combating tumour development.
Anti-oxidants: Compounds that protect the body against free radical activity and lipid peroxidation. Free radical scavengers – low levels in the tissues reduce the span of human life, and high levels enable humans to live longer. Vitamins A, C and E inhibit production of free radicals. Perhaps the cheapest and most effective herb is Garlic. Both vegetables and animal tissues produce free radicals as a normal metabolic by-product (Bartram).
Anti-perspirants: Herbs that reduce sweating.
Anti-prostatic: Herbs that reduce symptoms related to an enlarged prostate.
Anti-pruritic: Medicinal herbs that can be useful in preventing or relieving intense itching.
Anti-pyretic/Febrifuge: Herbs that are used to reduce or prevent fever.
Anti-retroviral: Herbs that have been used against retroviruses. HIV is a retrovirus.
Anti-rheumatic: Herbs that may help relieve or protect against the discomforts of rheumatism and arthritis.
Anti-septic: Antiseptic herbs are an agent that kills or inhibits the growth of microorganisms on the external surfaces of the body and are generally distinguished from herbal antibiotics that destroy microorganisms internally.
Anti-spasmodic/Spasmolytic: Antispasmodics can prevent or ease mild pain, spasms and muscular cramps in the body.
Anti-hypothyroid: Thyroid stimulants.
Anti-tussive: Medicinal plants that reduce or prevent cough and clear the lungs.
Anti-viral: Herbs that contain vitamin C or stimulate its metabolism in the body. Vitamin C has a broad spectrum of viricidal action which is often overlooked for acute infectious diseases (Bartram).
Anxiolytic/Anti-anxiety/Anti-panic: Herbs used for anxiety relief and related psychological and physical symptoms.
Aperient – Herb that is a mild and gentle laxative that stimulates the appetite.
Aphrodisiac: Herb used to stimulate sexual activity and increase libido.
Aromatic: Herbs of agreeable taste and smell, chiefly due to the presence of essential oils. A healing odour stimulates the senses of taste and smell.
Astringent/Styptic: Herbs that contract blood vessels and body tissues with the effect of reducing secretions and discharges.
For the full list of herb actions and properties:
Herb Actions and Properties - A
Herb Actions and Properties - B, C & D
Herb Actions and Properties - E, F, G & H
Herb Actions and Properties - I, L, M, O & P
Herb Actions and Properties - R, S, T & V
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VIEW MOREMaca (Lepidum meyenii, Brassicaceae), a root vegetable grown in the Andean region of Peru, is widely used for its nutritional and therapeutic properties. Maca is said to improve male and female reproductive activity in diverse ways, from increasing arousal and reducing symptoms of menopause to boosting sperm quality,