A – Z of Herbal Remedies
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Help: To find Illnesses or Conditions associated with a Herbal Remedy. Select a letter from A - Z of Herbal Remedies. Or Scroll lists. Or Use Search.
Other Names: Ginger, African Ginger, Canton Ginger, Cochin Ginger, Jamaican Ginger, Ginger Root, Genigibre, Gingembre, Sheng Jian, Zingiber Officinale
Traditional Usages: Food, Flavouring, Drinks,Travel Sickness, Flatulent Colic, Irritable Bowel, Diarrhea, Colds, Influenza, Hypothermia, Intestinal Problems, Appetitie Loss, Hiccups, Coronary Artery Disease, Suppressed Menstruation from Cold, Improves Sex Life, Nausea, Vomitting, Morning Sickness of Pregnancy, Phlegmy Colds, Indigestion, Cataracts, Heart Disease, Migraines, Stroke, Amenorrhea, Angina, Athletes Feet, Bursitis, Chronic Fatigues, Depression, Dizziness, Fever, Infertility, Erectile Difficulties, Kidney Stones, Sciatica, Viral Infections, Motion Sickness, Chilblains, Poor circulation
Resources: US, Asia, Caribbean, Jamaica, Nigeria, China, India, Indonesia,
Parts Used: Root, Essential Oil
Administration Method: Chopped, Ground or Dry extracts for teas
Herb Action: Antiemetic, Cholagogue
Health Warning: For persons with Gallstones, seek the advice of your medical doctor
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Abdominal Pain: Ginger is commonly used to treat motion sickness, nausea, and vomiting and as a general stomach settling herb. The Chinese have used this herb for over 2,000 years to treat upset stomach and as a digestive aid. To use ginger to treat indigestion, upset stomach or gas, you may take 2-4 grams of fresh ginger root per day. Grate or crush the ginger. Add to half a cup of warm water. Drink half of it in the morning and other half in the evening or before bedtime.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Appendicitis: Ginger is effective in treating nausea associated with appendicitis. You can add it to your food or drink it in the form of tea. Grate or crush one inch piece of fresh ginger and boil in two glasses of water. Allow to cool down and drink with one teaspoonful of honey.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Back Pain: Ginger is used to treat various sorts of pain in the folk medicine of China and India. It is an important pain medication in contemporary Arabic medicine. Ginger contains 12 different aromatic anti-inflammatory compounds, including some with mild aspirin-like effects. Directions: Cut a fresh ginger root (about the size of your thumb) into thin slices. Place the slices in a quart of water. Bring to boil, and then simmer on the lowest possible heat for 30-minutes in a covered pot. Let cool for 30-minutes. Strain and drink half to one cup, sweetened with honey for taste if needed.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Colds: Ginger tea has a spicy and invigorating taste. It is used as a home remedy for colds and sore throats. Ginger tea is very easy to make. A tea can be made by boiling some grated fresh ginger in water and adding some honey to it.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Colic: Ginger tea is soothing to the stomach. A tea can be made by boiling some grated fresh ginger in water and adding some honey to it.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Cough: To get relief from coughs mix one teaspoon of grated ginger, one quarter teaspoon of cayenne powder, one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Eat the mixture.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Cough: It can relieve a cough. Slice a fresh ginger root into very thin pieces. Chew the ginger root when you feel the urge to cough. You can also mix powdered ginger with a glass of warm water and sip slowly to relieve the cough.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Cramps: Ginger is a herbal remedy that can aid circulation issues that may be contributing to your leg cramps. You can drink up to 3-cups of ginger tea daily to reap its benefits.
Ginger – Herbal remedy for Flu (Influenza): Ginger has wonderful healing properties that will help heal sore throats as well as coughs. Drink two cups of ginger tea before going to bed to help you relax and to heal your throat. To make ginger teas grate a one-inch piece of ginger and boil in three cups of water. Strain and add honey.
To get relief from coughs associated with cold and flu mix one teaspoon of ground ginger or ginger powder, quarter teaspoon of cayenne powder, one tablespoon of honey, one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and two tablespoons of warm water in a glass. Take this mixture twice a day.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Dehydration: Apply ginger juice around the navel of a child.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Diarrhea: Crush a piece of fresh ginger with sea salt and a little palm sugar. Take this three times daily.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Dysentery: Grind a piece of ginger, take four grams of this mixture and add to a glass of warm water. Drink it twice a day.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Fibromyalgia: Ginger tea is a good alternative to aspirin to relieve minor aches and pains. Infuse one teaspoon of grated root ginger or 8 ounces ginger powder in hot water for 10 minutes and strain. Add honey for taste. Alternatively take one capsule of 1,000-2,000 milligrams daily.
Ginger – Herbal remedy for Foot Odour: Puree a 2-inch piece of fresh ginger root and infuse it in a cup of hot water for 15-minutes. Strain and apply the ginger liquid gently onto your feet each night for two weeks.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Gastritis: Ginger is one of the best herbs for treating gastritis, it gives relief to almost all symptoms including indigestion and gas. It is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. It reduces nausea, stimulates digestion and reduces inflammation. Chewing a small piece of fresh ginger with salt 5-10 minutes before meals stimulates digestion.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Gastroenteritis: Ginger tea has long been used in treating gastrointestinal problems, including gastritis. Chew a piece of ginger or drink some ginger tea.
Ginger – Herbal remedy for Heart Attack: Ginger has a tonic effect on the heart, lowers cholesterol and inhibits blood platelet collection. Eating a little bit of ginger every day will help to prevent heart attack.
Ginger – Herbal remedy for Heart Disease: Ginger is an important herb for a healthy heart. Eating a little bit of ginger every day will help to prevent heart attack. It reduces cholesterol, it also reduces blood pressure and prevents blood clots. Ginger's heart-helping attributes are similar to that of garlic. Ginger interferes with the long sequence of events necessary for blood clots to form. This helps to prevent clots that can lodge in narrowed coronary arteries and set off a heart attack.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Heartburn: Chew a piece of ginger, drink three cups of ginger tea daily or take a 500 milligrams ginger tablet.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Hiccup: You can use fresh ginger to treat recurrent hiccups, according to the Fat Free Kitchen website. To use ginger to treat your hiccups, cut a small piece of fresh ginger and remove the ginger's skin. Place the piece of ginger directly in your mouth and suck on the ginger until you experience relief from your hiccups.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Indigestion: Chew a small piece of fresh ginger with salt for about 5-10 minutes before meals. This helps in stimulating digestion. This is a natural remedy for indigestion.
Ginger – Herbal remedy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Ginger has some anti-inflammatory properties that may make it useful for irritable bowel syndrome. Ginger root can be purchased fresh but it is also available in capsules, tinctures and extracts. Chew fresh ginger or drink ginger tea. Grate some fresh ginger root and boil it in a cup of water, strain, add honey and drink twice daily.
Health Warning: You should consult your medical doctor before taking ginger for IBS. Side effects include heartburn and mouth irritation. Do not take ginger if you have a bleeding disorder, take blood thinners or have gallstones.
Ginger – Herbal remedy for Menstrual Cramps: During times of a painful menstruation, use ginger as an effective home remedy. Pound a piece of ginger and boil it in a cup of water for a couple of minutes. Sweeten the infusion with sugar and drink three times daily after meals.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Miscarriage: Ginger tea is also one of the best home remedies to help prevent miscarriage and it causes no harm during pregnancy. Grate one inch piece of fresh ginger and boil in one cup of water. Strain and add a teaspoon of honey and drink twice daily.
Ginger – Herbal remedy for Morning Sickness: The effect of ginger on nausea is thought to arise from its aromatic and absorbent qualities. Take 250 milligrams four times per day.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Mumps: Mix one tablespoon of ginger powder with a little water and apply over affected area.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Obesity: Ginger paste mixed with honey is also a good treatment for obesity. Peel and crush one inch of ginger. Mix with half a teaspoon of organic honey and take once daily.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Pain: Ginger is a natural treatment for inflammation and pain. It is used to alleviate digestive cramps and mild pain from fibromyalgia. Externally it is used in many treatments for muscle sprain and fibrosis. Studies have shown that there are no adverse side effects in subjects who used ginger over long periods of time, even those who continued to take it for more than two years. The recommended dose is 500-1,000 milligrams a day, although doubling and tripling the dose may bring quicker relief. A tea can be made from one teaspoon of chopped fresh ginger root simmered in a cup of water for about 10-minutes.
Ginger – Herbal remedy for Panic Disorder: Drink ginger tea twice daily. Grate a one inch of fresh ginger and boil in one cup of water. Strain, add some honey and drink.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Parkinson’s Disease: Ginger can help clear out harmful toxins in your body. A tea can be made from one teaspoon of chopped fresh ginger root simmered in a cup of water for about 10-minutes.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Snoring: Ginger clears the nasal passages and helps prevent snoring. Have a ginger tea before bedtime.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Stroke: Ginger is also very effective as it is a cardiac tonic. It helps in decreasing the cholesterol and also improves poor circulation. Put ginger in food or drink ginger tea.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Sore Throat: Ginger lessens the pain related to an irritated throat. Slice 2 teaspoons of fresh ginger and infuse in one cup of boiling water for 15 minutes. Drink a cup of the water as needed. The warm water will soothe pain and the ginger will alleviate the swelling and irritation. If the water is too cool, it will not be as effective. If it is too cool at the end of 15 minutes, reheat it to the temperature you desire. Optionally add a ginger tea bag for flavour. Ginger tea bags are available in health stores and use as normal teabags.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Throat Infections: Ginger tea is very effective in soothing the throat. You can grate a one inch piece of fresh ginger and add this to hot water. When this boils you can strain it and then drink with some honey or sugar. Honey and ginger juice is usually considered a safe enough home remedy during pregnancy. The combination of honey and ginger is soothing on your throat.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Uterine Bleeding: Ginger can be consumed raw or in a tea. Make a ginger tea by grating a one inch piece of ginger and boiling it in a cup of water, add honey and drink several times daily.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Yellow Fever: Grind raisins together with fresh ginger and mix with water. Let this mix sit for about an hour, then boil and drink while still warm.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Vertigo: Ginger can help reduce vertigo. Take 500 milligrams of dried ginger powder mixed in half a glass of water for the treatment of vertigo every 2-4 hours as needed.
Ginger - Herbal remedy for Vomiting: You can treat vomiting by taking two capsules of ginger root. It will give you a quick relief to nausea.
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