
A – Z of Herbal Remedies

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Other Names: Garden Artichoke, Globe Artichoke, Green Artichoke, French Artichoke, Blurr Artichoke, Cynara Scolymus
Traditional Usages: Food, Body Odour, Liver and Gallbladder Complaints, Digestive Problems, Nausea, Rheumatic Conditions, Jaundice, Detoxification, Hepatitis, An Aphrodisiac and a Contraceptive, Rheumatic Conditions, Liver Problems, Hypertension, Constipation
Resources: Mediterranean Region, Canary Islands, Central and South America, India, England, Italy
Parts Used: Leaves, Rhizome, Flowerhead
Administration Method: Dried, cut leaves, pressed juice of fresh plant, artichoke preparations for internal use.
Herb Action: Choleretic
Herbal Research: Artichoke
Health Warning: Avoid during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In case of gallstones, use only after consultations with your doctor

Artichoke - Herbal remedy for Gastritis: If you make tea from leaves, stalk and root of artichoke then this is a good recipe: Place 50-100 grams of artichoke leaves, stalk and roots in a litre of boiling water. Let it infuse for 5-10 minutes and then take a cup of this tea three times a day before meals. This tea is a light green colour.  

Artichoke - Herbal remedy for Hepatitis: Artichoke is a safe and reliable herb for all liver disturbances including hepatitis. It helps lower cholesterol (made in the liver) and assists weight reduction. It can be made into an infusion and taken alone or in combination with St. Mary’s thistle and dandelion. With a tea made from dried or fresh leaves and stems of artichoke, you can recover better from nausea, abdominal pains, constipation, diarrhea, bloating sensation and heartburn.

Artichoke - Herbal remedy for Indigestion: Make tea from leaves, stalk and root of artichoke. Place 50 to 100 grams of artichoke leaves, stalk and roots in a litre of boiling water. Let it infuse for 5 to 10 minutes and then take a cup of this tea three times a day before meals. This tea is a light green colour.  

Always seek the advice of your doctor before taking herbal remedies


Health Issues

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