A - Z of Vitamins & Supplements
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Help: To find Illnesses or Conditions associated with a Vitamin or Supplement. Select a letter from A - Z of Vitamins & Supplements. Or Scroll lists. Or Use Search.
Zinc: Zinc helps with making new cells and enzymes, processing carbohydrate, fat and protein in food and healing wounds. Sources of Zinc include: Meat; Shellfish; Milk, Cheese, Bread and Cereal Products and Wheatgerm. The body normally produces all the zinc required from eating a healthy and varied diet. Taking doses of too much zinc reduces the amount of copper the body can absorb and this can lead to anaemia and the weakening of the bones.
Health Warning: Consult your doctor before taking Zinc supplements.
Zinc - Vitamins for ADHD: Some studies show that children who suffer from ADHD may have lower levels of zinc in their body. Children with ADHD who took zinc supplements along with traditional treatment have shown a lot of improvement. Foods high in zinc include oysters and other seafood, red meat, poultry, dairy products, beans, nuts, whole grains, and fortified cereals. Zinc is available in tablets. One tablet of 300 milligrams can be taken twice a day.
Zinc - Vitamins for Alopecia: Take 50 milligrams daily with food and with 2 milligrams of copper.
Zinc - Vitamins for Autism: 50 milligrams per day
Zinc – Vitamins for Body Odour: Taking zinc supplement (100 milligrams) on a daily basis can help in reducing body odour.
Zinc – Vitamins for Bulimia: Take one tablet of 50 milligrams, once daily.
Zinc - Vitamins for Colds: Zinc is an essential mineral that the human body requires. A number of studies have found that zinc helps to reduce the duration of cold symptoms, especially if people started taking it within 24 hours after the appearance of cold symptoms. Zinc also reduces the severity of symptoms and decreases the duration of symptoms by three to four days. Zinc lozenges usually contain either zinc gluconate or zinc acetate in each lozenge. It is recommended that people take one lozenge every two to four hours during the day up to a maximum of 6-12 lozenges a day.
Zinc - Vitamins for Dermatitis: Take it orally (100 milligrams). You can also mix a crushed tablet with a few drops of water and apply it directly on the affected area.
Zinc – Vitamins for Flu (Influenza): Zinc is an essential mineral that the human body requires. A number of studies have found that zinc helps to reduce the duration of cold symptoms, especially if people started taking it within 24 hours after the appearance of cold symptoms. Zinc also reduces the severity of symptoms and decreases the duration of symptoms by three to four days. Zinc lozenges usually contain either zinc gluconate or zinc acetate in each lozenge. It is recommended that people take one lozenge every two to four hours during the day up to a maximum of 6-12 lozenges a day.
Zinc – Vitamins for Foot Odour: Zinc may make the skin more resistant to the bacteria causing the odour. This remedy should reduce or eliminate the odour within a week or two. Take 200 milligrams twice daily.
Zinc – Vitamins for Genital Herpes: Take zinc tablets (200 milligrams) every day.
Zinc - Vitamins for Hepatitis: Take 30 milligrams of zinc daily. The changes in infected liver cells involve an imbalance of zinc and copper. Copper is in excess. Copper is an oxidant and can damage the walls of cells. Zinc removes copper from the cells.
Zinc – Vitamins for Macular Degeneration: Zinc is a defense against toxic-free radicals. Take 30 milligrams daily.
Zinc- Vitamins for Perspiration (Excessive Sweating): Foods rich in zinc such as turkey, nuts and spinach help in decreasing excessive perspiration. Therefore zinc supplements are a good alternative. Take 300 milligrams of zinc tablets twice daily.
Zinc - Vitamins for Pimples: Take 50 milligrams of zinc in tablet or capsule form (three times per day).
Zinc – Vitamins for Smelly Feet: Zinc may make the skin more resistant to the bacteria causing the odour. This remedy should reduce or eliminate the odour within a week or two. Take 200 milligrams twice daily.
Zinc - Vitamins for Stroke: Zinc: take one tablet of 50 milligrams daily. Do not exceed a total of 100 milligrams. Copper and zinc are two essential nutrient metals. Copper is important for keeping your heart healthy, brain development and healthy bones. Zinc is an immune-system booster and ensures that your body stays healthy. Copper and zinc have an interesting relationship where the intake of one of these elements causes the other element to decrease in your body. An intake of too much zinc which is a key ingredient in some over-the-counter cold remedies can cause irreversible neurological ailments associated with copper deficiency.
Learning how to maintain a proper balance between the two is important in preventing toxicity in the body while ensuring both of the functions of these two minerals is preserved. So do not exceed 100 milligrams of zinc if you take 3 milligrams of copper.
Zinc - Vitamins for Stuttering: Take 50 milligrams once daily.
Zinc - Vitamins for Syphilis: Take 100 milligrams once a day. It promotes healing and is important for the health of the reproductive organs.
Health Warning: Do not exceed 100 milligrams per day.
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