
A - Z of Vitamins & Supplements

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Vitamin E

Vitamin E helps maintain healthy skin and eyes, and strengthen the body's natural defence against illness and infection. Good sources of vitamin E include: Vegetable oils, corn oil, soya oil, olive oil, Margarine, Nuts and seeds and Leafy greens. Vitamin E is also found in cereals and cereal products. Most people should be able to get all the Vitamin E needed from their diet and excess Vitamin E is stored in the body for future use.

Vitamin E - Vitamins for Abdominal Pain: A deficiency in vitamin E can be the cause of peptic ulcers resulting in abdominal pain. Take vitamin E (400 IU) once a day.

Vitamin E - Vitamins for Alopecia: Recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) for vitamin E are provided in alpha-tocopherol equivalents (ATEs) to account for the different biological activities of the various forms of vitamin E as well as in international units (IU) because food and supplement labels often use this system.  For conversion, one milligram of an ATE =1.5 IU. An adult should take 300 milligrams (450 IU) daily. If taken with 100 microgram of selenium the vitamin E is easily absorbed.

Vitamin E - Vitamins for Alzheimer’s Disease: The new findings, presented at the 60th annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology in Chicago, suggest that the benefits of vitamin E for Alzheimer's may be greater than once thought. Vitamin E appears to increase the survival time of Alzheimer's patients according to researcher Valory Pavlik, PhD of Baylor College of Medicine's Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders Center, USA. Pavlik’s analysis showed that those who took 2,000 international units (IU) of vitamin E daily -- with or without an anti-dementia drug -- were 26% less likely to die than those who did not take vitamin E during the study period (1990-2004).

Vitamin E – Vitamins for Amnesia: Vitamin E may aid memory by improving blood flow to the brain. Eat more foods rich in antioxidant nutrients such as fortified cereals, vegetable oils (sunflower, safflower) and nuts (pistachio, walnuts and pecans). Take a supplement of 300 milligrams once daily.

Vitamin E - Vitamins for Angina: Two studies of more than 120,000 men and women strongly suggest that supplements of vitamin E can significantly reduce the risk of disease and death from fat-clogged coronary arteries. The ongoing studies, by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health and Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, showed that healthy people with the highest daily intakes of vitamin E developed coronary disease at about a 40 percent lower rate than men and women whose intake was lowest. The preventive effects of vitamin E occurred independently of any changes in blood levels of cholesterol. The greatest protection was found at levels of about 100 IU of vitamin E daily for more than two years.

Vitamin E - Vitamins for Arthritis: Vitamin E is an antioxidant and increases joint flexibility. Vitamin E fights joint inflammation. When 50 patients were given either 400 IU of vitamin E or a placebo, the vitamin E group reported greater pain relief and had to use less pain medication.

Vitamin E - Vitamins for Asthma: A diet which is high in vitamin E can reduce asthma. Graham Devereux, M.D., Ph.D., of the Department of Environmental and Occupational Medicine at the University of Aberdeen, UK assessed maternal nutrient and respiratory status in 1,253 mothers and children during a five-year period. According to the study children who were born from mothers with a deficiency of Vitamin E were five times more likely to develop asthma than those born from mothers who did not have such deficiency. Asthmatics can take up to 1,000 milligrams per day.

Vitamin E – Vitamins for Breast Pain: Vitamin E is quite helpful in reducing the pain and tenderness as well as the size of breast lumps. Vitamin E can be found in vegetable oils such as sunflower and safflower oils, nuts (walnuts, Pecans), green leafy vegetables (spinach, Kale and Mustard Greens) and some fortified cereals.  You can also take a daily supplement of 400 IU.

Vitamin E – Vitamins for Cold Sores: Vitamin E enhances the production of B-cells which are antibodies that can destroy the bacteria causing the cold sores. Take 100 milligrams twice daily.

Vitamin E – Vitamins for Deep Vein Thrombosis:  Take 200 milligrams (twice daily) help to prevent blood clotting (including clots caused by DVT).

Vitamin E - Vitamins for Dementia:  High intake of vitamin E (500 milligrams) can reduce long-term risk of dementia and depression.

Vitamin E - Vitamins for Dermatitis:  Crush one 100 milligram tablet of vitamin E. Mix with a few drops of water and apply on the affected area.

Vitamin E – Vitamins for Flu (Influenza):  Vitamin E is an antioxidant that stimulates natural killer cells to fight germs. Although there is no cure for the flu virus, vitamin E can help protect you by increasing the body's production of B-cells, which help your immune system make the antibodies it needs to destroy bacteria. Ingest 60-100 milligrams of vitamin E daily through foods such as sunflower and other seeds, vegetable oils and grains. You can also take vitamin E as a supplement.

Vitamin E - Vitamins for Gastritis:  Vitamin E destroys bacteria that cause gastritis. Take 400 IU a day of vitamin E to reduce inflammation in the stomach.

Vitamin E - Vitamins for Glaucoma: Vitamin E  removes particles from the eye lens. Take 100 milligrams twice a day.

Vitamin E – Vitamins for Heart Disease:  Take 200 milligrams of vitamin E twice a day.

Vitamin E – Vitamins for Macular Degeneration: Take 200-600 international units of vitamin E daily. It can repair early damage to the macula triggered by excessive exposure to sunlight.

Vitamin E - Vitamins for Measles: 200-800 IU per day of vitamin E can help boost the immune system and promote tissue repair. Small children should never be given more than 200 IU per day.  Applying vitamin E oil can help sooth measles rash.
Health Warning: Small children should never be given more than 200 IU per day.

Vitamin E - Vitamins for Pimples: Take 400 milligrams of vitamin E once per day.

Vitamin E - Vitamins for Stroke: Start with 200 IU and increase by 200 IU each week until you reach 1000 IU daily - vitamin E helps to block the first steps leading to the disease.

Vitamin E - Vitamins for Varicose Veins: Take 600 milligrams daily.

Vitamin E - Vitamins for Vision Loss:   Take 100 milligrams twice daily.

Always seek professional medical advice before taking herbal medications


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